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United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta

To build a better community by organizing the capacity of people to care for one another Vision: We envision communities where everyone works together to ensure poverty is temporary, individuals and families live healthy lifestyles, and that children and youth have the tools they need to reach their full potential.

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta Opportunities

Continuing commitment
Advanced Screening Required
United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta

United Way is seeking new faces for its Board of Directors!

United Way’s purpose is to raise funds to support essential local programs at United Way Partner Agencies. They provide grants to programs that target poverty reduction, building healthy families and strong communities, and helping children and youth be all they can be.

United Way works with local companies to facilitate payroll deduction donations for employees. Many small donations over time add up to BIG change. United Way also accepts donations from generous individuals and corporations to fuel change through collective impact.

The Board of Directors is proud of United Way’s impact on people, and in communities across South Western Alberta.

If you are passionate, and love to see positive changes where you live, read on!

United Way Board Directors are dedicated and skilled in their work. The Board assumes both a mandatory role, based on legal requirements of boards of directors, and a chosen role, based on the board model it has elected for itself.

United Way is specifically looking for individuals with finance and legal background to join the board.  Other individuals are welcome to apply as vacant positions are available.

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta

Volunteers receive a complimentary admission ticket to the game. Parking is not included, so you can be dropped off or park across the road.

Volunteers can watch the game when it is in play. If they are approached during play to buy a ticket, they can sell tickets but they cannot actively approach people during play.

The volunteers wear hurricanes jerseys and a United Way apron while selling tickets.

Opportunities are available at each home game from September to April.